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13 results found
Find out more about Medicines: Care & Review (MCR)
Medicines: Care and Review (MCR) allows patients with long-term conditions to access a community pharmacy of their choice for pharmaceutical care.
News and updates
Sustainable procurement development - news and updates
Get started as a supplier
Guidance for suppliers on the public sector tendering process in Scotland. Find out how to begin delivering products or services to the NHS.
Public Private Partnership
Contract management advice, guidance and training for health boards.
Information Message - IM/2020/014
IM/2020/014 - Safe disposal of Allbatteries alkaline 9v batteries - supporting National Procurement recall Ref PR303
Get in touch about blood components
How to get in touch with our blood component teams at the Jack Copland Centre and the Glasgow Dispatch Hub.
Safety Action Notice - SAN(SC)21/06
SAN(SC)21/06 - Duraweld face visors, Ref EPVS0143, manufactured up to 13 July 2020: latex warning
Estates and Facilities Notices - EFA/2011/004 (UPDATE)
Ref: EFA/2011/004 (UPDATE) High-Voltage (HV) 11KV Switchgear – Schneider Electric (Merlin Gerin) Ringmaster RN2c, RE2c and RN6c ring main units.
Claim for maternity, paternity, adoption and long term sick leave
Claim for maternity, paternity, adoption and long term sick leave.
How to manage your CAT 20
Access support to maintain your connection for ophthalmic eServices