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271 results found

Get started as a supplier

Guidance for suppliers on the public sector tendering process in Scotland. Find out how to begin delivering products or services to the NHS.

Therapeutic apheresis

Find out more about our services to support clinicians with patients who benefit from therapeutic apheresis procedures.


When there's potential for more effective national service delivery, our NHSS National Planning Board may commission a review. Learn more.

Congenital heart disease: paediatric

Providing care for neonates and children up to the age of 16 years/transition with paediatric cardiac disease (PCD). Learn more about the service.

CAR-T therapy service: adult

CAR-T cell therapy is a new, very complex and specialist treatment. Learn more about how patients are referred to the service and who may need it.

Ultra-orphan medicines

Learn more about this scheme, which pools funds from all Scotland’s health boards for a number of approved medicines for very rare diseases.