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35 results found
Beware of fake coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination scam
NHSScotland Counter Fraud Services has warned the public to be vigilant after scammers sent fake invitations to have the coronavirus vaccination.
Contact your local transfusion lab
How to get in touch with our transfusion laboratories across Scotland, including information on out of hours services.
What does the scheme cover?
Both clinical and non-clinical claims are covered by CNORIS. Find out more.
Decontamination - Lab sterilizers and washer disinfectors (SHTM 01-02)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 01-02 Parts A, B, C and D: best practice guidance cleaning and sterilization
Understand eSchedule payment calculations
An explanation of the calculations and adjustment types used in the eSchedule.
Testing for FNAIT, PTP and TRALI investigation
Explore Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) and Human Neutrophil Antigen (HNA) genotyping and antibody screening and download our initial request form.
Our H&I laboratory
How to contact our Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (H&I) lab in Edinburgh and find out more about our target times for reporting test results
Red cell investigation request forms and samples
Find out more about the tests available from our red cell investigation laboratories.
Down's syndrome screening laboratory
This lab provides screening for Down’s syndrome for pregnant women. Learn more about the nationally commissioned service.
Introduction to the NHS Scotland Counter Fraud Strategy by Gordon Young, Head of Counter Fraud Services