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11 results found
Apply for the £10,000 bereavement lump sum
This payment is for the Estate of a deceased person who was a member of SIBSS and passed away after 1st April 2017.
Application to claim £10,000 bereavement lump sum
This form allows the estate of the deceased beneficiary to apply for the bereavement lump sum payment that is available via the scheme.
SIBSS Guidance for People with HCV or HIV from Infected Blood (1)
This guidance sets out the payments available for people infected with hepatitis C or HIV, or both, from infected blood.
SIBSS Guidance for People with HCV or HIV from Infected Blood
This guidance sets out the payments available for people infected with hepatitis C or HIV, or both, from infected blood.
Understanding your payment reports
Find breakdowns of each predefined report type you'll receive via your ophthalmic monthly payment schedule.
Get in touch about blood components
How to get in touch with our blood component teams at the Jack Copland Centre and the Glasgow Dispatch Hub.
How to manage your CAT 20
Access support to maintain your connection for ophthalmic eServices
The British National Formulary (BNF) publication
British National Formulary (BNF) publications reflect current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines.
Bank mandate fraud
Find out more about bank mandate fraud, how it works, how to recognise it and how to report it.
Infected blood interim compensation payment announcement update
UK Government Announcement