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650 results found
Management of reusable surgical instruments during transportation, storage and after clinical use (GUID 5010)
GUID 5010 Parts A and B: awareness of the fragile nature of the sterile packs/trays and the used instruments/packs/trays and need to handle with care.
Decontamination - Lab sterilizers and washer disinfectors (SHTM 01-02)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 01-02 Parts A, B, C and D: best practice guidance cleaning and sterilization
Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit (SHTM 01-01)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 01-01 Parts A, B, C, D, E and F, GUID 5017 and 5019: decontamination of medical devices processed through a CDU.
NHS Connection
Details of new NHS pharmacy connection
Find out how dental quality is monitored
How the Scottish Dental Reference Service (SDRS) monitors dental quality.
Help with NHS charges
You can quickly check if you're exempt from NHSScotland charges using an online tool.
NHS Scotland Public Statement
NHS Scotland participation in the scheme created by The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Act 2021
NHS Scotland Assure Events
Find out about upcoming NHS Scotland Assure events.
The role of Assurance in NHS Scotland
Discover what benefits the Assurance service can bring to your building project.
About NHS Scotland Assure
Find out about who NHS Scotland Assure is for, what it aims to provide and how it can reduce risk in the healthcare built environment.