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244 results found
MHRA Medical Device Safety Information – MDSI2406U
Philips Respironics BiPAP A series ventilators: alarm malfunction and risk of therapy interruptions in ventilators not intended for life-support
The learning network
Discover how learning networks can provide an open, safe place to share lessons learned and discuss topics important to the healthcare environment.
How incident management guidance can support haemovigilance and better blood transfusion.
National Facilities Monitoring Framework Manual (SHFN 01-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Scottish Health Facilities Note 01-01 - National Facilities Monitoring Framework Manual
Wayfinding - effective wayfinding and signing for healthcare facilities (SHTM 65 and HTM 65 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Effective wayfinding and signing systems guidance for healthcare facilities.
Specialist services - Acoustics (SHTM 08-01) V1
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 08-01: Specialist services: Acoustics
Decontamination – Provision of compliant podiatry instruments (GUID 5007 Mar 2020 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Reusable Medical Devices Decontamination Operational Group (RMD-DOG) and the College of Podiatry.
Renal Care - Main renal unit (HBN 07-02)
This Health Building Note provides guidance on how the built environment can be designed to improve the experience and outcome of renal patients.
Core elements - Sanitary spaces (HBN 00-02 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Core elements: Sanitary spaces.
Fire safety - A model management structure (SFPN 00-01 ARCHIVED)
(ARCHIVED) NHSScotland ‘Firecode’ A Model Management Structure for Fire Safety.