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244 results found
NHSScotland Waste Management Guidance (SHTN 03-01)
Scottish Health Technical Note 03-01: NHSScotland waste management guidance.
Bank mandate fraud
Find out more about bank mandate fraud, how it works, how to recognise it and how to report it.
GP locum pension scheme forms
The NHS pension scheme is available to locums who meet specific criteria. Get further guidance and fill in forms A and B.
Closed Consultations
View all closed consultations here with a summary of responses.
NHSScotland National Food Safety Assurance Manual (SHFN 04-03)
This manual should be viewed as a baseline document that NHS Boards are required to use to build their location-specific food safety system around.
Specialist services - Acoustics (SHTM 2045 and SHTM 08-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) This guidance document sets out the acoustic criteria for the design and management of new and temporary healthcare facilities.
Renal care - Satellite dialysis unit (HBN 07-01)
This Health Building Note (HBN) provides guidance on accommodation for maintenance dialysis, based in a satellite unit.
Renal Care - Main renal unit (HBN 07-02 ARCHIVED)
(ARCHIVED) This Health Building Note is a guide to the planning and design of a main renal unit.
Adult in-patient facilities (SHPN 04-01)
Adult in-patient facilities.
Sustainable - EV Charging Infrastructure (SHTN 02-02) (ARCHIVED)
Scottish Health Technical Note 02-02 provides guidance for those engaged in the planning, delivery and management of EV charging solutions.