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336 results found
Safety Information Message - SIM2201
SIM2201 - Provision and use of health technology: human factors training
Registration is the first step in exploring whether support from National Services Division (NSD) for national developments is a possibility.
Find out how and where to submit your ophthalmic mail
Find out how and where to submit your ophthalmic mail
Bowel screening
Learn about the commissioning process for bowel screening in Scotland, plus who gets the test and why it benefits the population.
NHS Scotland Assure - new service for healthcare facilities
We've established a new national service to improve the quality and management of NHS Scotland healthcare construction and refurbishment projects.
Access our Scotland Innovates Assessment Portal
Send innovative ideas to NHSScotland on our online portal. You'll get guidance and support with health and technology innovations.
NSS Annual Review 2022-2023
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) annual review will be held on 27 November and the public are invited to attend the session, online or in person.
Get in touch about the scheme
Get advice on the clinical negligence cover scheme for health boards. Contact our solicitors.
Manage and understand NHS Board reports
Details on how to manage and understand NHS Board reports.
Bank mandate fraud
Find out more about bank mandate fraud, how it works, how to recognise it and how to report it.