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743 results found
Who is eligible to join?
Find out the eligibility requirements for the SIBSS scheme. This includes support for those infected and their widows, widowers or partners.
SIBSS Guidance on Regular Payments for People Infected with Chronic Hepatitis C and their Widows, Widowers or Partners
Advice on regular payments available for people infected with chronic hepatitis C and their widows, widowers or partners. Apply with forms M or N.
Stephen Waclawski
Team Leader (Litigation C)
Alison Sargent
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Aisling Scott
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Caitlin Souter
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Joanna McCormack
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Kathryn Gormley
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Kelly Service
Senior Solicitor (Litigation C)
Kelsey McNicoll
Legal Executive (Litigation C)