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244 results found
Quality Improvement (QI)
Quality Improvement Allowance
Portering Services Standards for NHSScotland (SHFN 02-01)
Portering Services Standards for NHSScotland (SHFN 02-01).
Web and channel services
We understand web and can give you compliant, modern web sites and web apps fit for hosting evidence-based digital services.
Critical care units (SHPN 27 and HBN 04-02 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Health Building Note 04-02 Critical care units.
NHSScotland Requirements for Compliant Central Decontamination Units (CDUs) (GUID 5014)
Central Decontamination Units (CDUs) to improve patient safety, staff safety, to meet regulatory requirements and national policy/strategy.
Guidance on Safe Management of Medical Devices and Equipment in Scotland’s Health and Social Care Services (SHTN 00-04)
This guidance is intended to support safe and effective medical devices and equipment risk management practice in health and social care services.
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Survey Programme publication of information
The Scottish Government commissioned investigative work in order to understand the scale and impact of RAAC use across the NHSScotland estate.
Critical care units (HBN 04-02)
Health Building Note 04-02 Critical care units.
Hygiene requirements in outdoor nurseries in Scotland
Current evidence base in relation to hygiene requirements in the outdoor nursery
NSS Data Protection Notice
Our Data Protection Notice tells you what personal information we use as an organisation, what our legal basis is for using it and how we protect it.