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Search results for " %u252e %ube44%uc544%uadf8%ub77c %ud314%uc544%uc694 %u326b %u250f%u2501%u25cf%u25cf%u25cf%u2606%u25b6%u25b6 C%u031eIA%u03011%u03076%u03279%u031c%u3002N%u035fE%u0313T%u032f %u25c0%u25c0%u2606%u25cf%u25cf%u25cf%u2501%u2513 %u2517 %uc628%ub77c%uc778 %uc2dc%uc54c%ub9ac%uc2a4%ud310%ub9e4 %u3188 %uc815%ud488 %uc131%uae30%ub2a5%uac1c%uc120%uc81c%uc0ac%uc6a9%ubc95 %u260e %uc628%ub77c%uc778 %ube44%uc544%uadf8%ub77c %uad6c%ub9e4%ucc98 %u2220 %uce75%uc2a4%ud0c0 E %ubc1c%uae30%ubd80%uc804%uce58%ub8cc%uc81c%ucd94%ucc9c %u3266 %uc544%uc774%ucf54%uc2a4%ub9e5%uc2a4 %uc5ec%uc131%ud6a8%uacfc %u3177 GHB %uad6c%ub9e4 %uc0ac%uc774%ud2b8"

111 results found

Geographical removal from GP list

Geographical removal template giving patients 30 days to register with a GP in their new area. Type in your data - no need to hand write anymore.

Who is eligible to join?

Find out the eligibility requirements for the SIBSS scheme. This includes support for those infected and their widows, widowers or partners.


Find out more about the tests you can request from the National Microbiology Reference Unit (NMRU).

What is the scheme?

Learn what the Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme is and which schemes it replaces.