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95 results found
Meet the Team
Decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and TOE ultrasound probes (SHTM 01-06)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 01-06 Parts A–E: decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and TOE ultrasound probes in EDUs
Section III - Restorative Treatment
Section III - Restorative Treatment
Property Appraisal Manual (SHTN 00-01)
Guidance to NHSScotland boards to ensure a consistent and standard approach is adopted, for the appraisal and recording of property information.
Complex mesh surgical service
Find out about the national specialist service in Scotland designated for women who are considering specialist surgical mesh removal.
SIBSS Guidance for People with HCV or HIV from Infected Blood (1)
This guidance sets out the payments available for people infected with hepatitis C or HIV, or both, from infected blood.
SIBSS Guidance for People with HCV or HIV from Infected Blood
This guidance sets out the payments available for people infected with hepatitis C or HIV, or both, from infected blood.
NHSScotland Waste Management Guidance (SHTN 03-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Scottish Health Technical Note 3 and Parts A, B, C and D: NHSScotland waste management guidance.
Building Management Systems (SHTM 08-05)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 08-05 Parts A, B, C and D: BMS responsibilities, design and operation.
FOI – 000003 CTCL (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) treatment centres
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002