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Choice architecture
Bowel screening
Learn about the commissioning process for bowel screening in Scotland, plus who gets the test and why it benefits the population.
Guidance on eye examination intervals
Find out the minimum intervals between eye exams and which early re-examination codes to use.
Patient blood management
Find out more about national audits carried out to support better blood transfusion in Scotland.
Property Appraisal Manual (SHTN 00-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Scottish Health Technical Note 00-01 provides guidance on the methodology to be used to ensure a standard and consistent approach.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance
Apply for the Continuing Professional Development allowance.
Early declarations
What to do after submitting a report
What happens after you've submitted your report.
Sample packaging, labelling and transport
If you're sending samples to our H&I lab, you'll need to ensure they are packaged, labelled and transported correctly.
New DCVP (nDCVP) is a replacement for the current pharmacy payment system.