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Search results for "%u9f99%u51e4%u9601-(%u2714%ufe0f%u63a8%u8350%u9f99%u51e4%u9601%u7f51%u5740:2020234%u3002xyz %u2600%ufe0f)-%u9f99%u51e4%u9601%u77e5%u8db3%u5e38%u4e50-%u9f99%u51e4%u9601('i', 'c', 's', '9', 'i', '6')"

206 results found

Contact us

Contact details for the Transfusion Team.


Find out more about the tests you can request from the National Microbiology Reference Unit (NMRU).

Request forms and samples

When requesting transfusion laboratory tests, you must take care in labelling sample tubes and completing our request forms.

Find further support

Discover further resources and websites that may be able to help you or your family if you received infected blood.