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267 results found

CAR-T therapy service: adult

CAR-T cell therapy is a new, very complex and specialist treatment. Learn more about how patients are referred to the service and who may need it.

Hydatidiform mole

Providing diagnosis and follow up for women with a molar pregnancy. Learn about this nationally commissioned service.

Stereotactic radiotherapy

This nationally commissioned service treats abnormalities and tumours in the brain with stereotactic radiotherapy. Learn more about it.

Stoma supplies

This list includes those items which may be ordered by authorised prescribers on the appropriate lists of Health boards.

Antenatal testing

Find out more about the antenatal testing provided by our transfusion labs. Testing is required at booking and at 28 weeks.

Scalable cloud capabilities

Discover how we can design, deliver and support a could-based infrastructure to deliver your applications across NSS.