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244 results found
Unusual behaviour in the workplace
New NSS Chief Executive takes up post
Mary Morgan takes the reins at NHS National Services Scotland as Chief Executive.
The Scottish Urinary Tract Infection Programme (SUTIN)
Find information about SUTIN
Water safety (SHTM 04-01)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Parts A, B, C, D, E F and G: water safety for healthcare premises
Water safety (SHTM 2027, SHTM 2040 and SHTM 04-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Parts A, B, C, D, E F and G: water safety for healthcare premises.
Transparency and disclosure
We are committed to transparency and have a duty to publish our corporate policies and reports.
Stoma supplies
This list includes those items which may be ordered by authorised prescribers on the appropriate lists of Health boards.
Sustainable Design and Construction (SDaC) Guide (SHTN 02-01) - Draft for Public Consultation
NHSScotland guide and tool for the delivery of Scottish Government Sustainability targets.
Section IV - Extra Coronal Restorations
Section IV - Extra Coronal Restorations
Two years of success for Community Benefit Gateway
NHS suppliers urged to get involved in 2024