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154 results found
Four strategic pillars
Details about the four strategic pillars - understand, prevent, respond and assure.
NHS Scotland Assure awards new £1million budget
Edinburgh Napier University will receive a £1m research budget for developing international best practice in the built environment for healthcare.
Guidance, protocols and reports
Guidance and publications for ARHAI Scotland.
View the monthly dental schedule communications
Stay up-to-date with the latest information and announcements for dental practices.
Find further support
Discover further resources and websites that may be able to help you or your family if you received infected blood.
ARHAI publishes its latest annual report
ARHAI publishes its latest annual report.
Orthodontic dental treatment - claim message types - Continuation and Transfer cases
Guidance for Orthodontic claim message types Continuation and Transfer cases
GP10N(SS) Nurse Prescription Guidance
We are reporting a higher-than-normal presentation of GP10N(SS) Nurse prescriptions forms without a nurse prescriber code printed on them.
Using the Universal Claims Framework (UCF)
Universal Claim Framework supports electronic claiming for pharmacy-led services such as Public Health Services and support for Unscheduled Care.
Claim for maternity, paternity, adoption and long term sick leave
Claim for maternity, paternity, adoption and long term sick leave.