Search results for "k%u1ebft qu%u1ea3 x%u1ed5 s%u1ed1 mi%u1ec1n b%u1eafc 30 ng%u00e0y 90 ng%u00e0 %u5fb7%u5dde%u7ea6%u5c40%u5427 wepoker %u4f5c%u5f0a%u6302%uff08%u4e86%u89e3 %u7ef4%u5ba2%u670d%u8587%uff1a%u98de%u673a%u5ba2%u670d%u641c%uff1a@altes007 %u7535%u62a5%u5165%u7fa4%u641c @wpk010%uff09wepoker%u900f%u89c6%u4f5c%u5f0a%u5668/%u5fb7%u5dde%u6251%u514b%u900f%u89c6%u5916%u6302 %u5fb7%u6251%u4e4b%u661f%u4f5c%u5f0a%u5668%u5fae%u6251%u514b%u5916%u6302/%u5fb7%u5dde%u6251%u514b%u8f85%u52a9%u5668%u5916%u6302 wpk%u900f%u89c6%u6302%u8f85%u52a9 %u5fae%u6251%u514b%u5916%u6302 %u5fae%u6251%u514b %u4ff1%u4e50%u90e8%u7ea6%u5c40 k%u1ebft qu%u1ea3 x%u1ed5 s%u1ed1 mi%u1ec1n b%u1eafc 30 ng%u00e0y 90 ng%u00e0 .njz"
180 results found
GP17 forms and patient signatures
advice on using the GP17 forms and recording patient signatures
HFS Guidance Index
This index provides a complete list of all HFS Guidance Publications (SHTMs, SHTNs, SHFNs, SHPNs, HBNs, GUIDs)
Building Management Systems (SHTM 08-05)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 08-05 Parts A, B, C and D: BMS responsibilities, design and operation.
National Security Operations Centre
Find out how our national Security Operations Centre monitors and responds to threats to NHS and NSS systems.
Commissioning National Developments
We commission over 85 specialist services on behalf of Scotland’s health boards and the Scottish Government. Find out more about the process.
Schedule close and payment dates
The information below highlights payment dates and cut-off dates for claim submission.
Management of reusable surgical instruments during transportation, storage and after clinical use (GUID 5010)
GUID 5010 Parts A and B: awareness of the fragile nature of the sterile packs/trays and the used instruments/packs/trays and need to handle with care.
Safety action notices
View the latest safety action notices issued by IRIC.
Water safety (SHTM 04-01)
Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Parts A, B, C, D, E F and G: water safety for healthcare premises
Water safety (SHTM 2027, SHTM 2040 and SHTM 04-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Parts A, B, C, D, E F and G: water safety for healthcare premises.