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244 results found
Portering Services Standards for NHSScotland (SHFN 02-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Portering Services Standards for NHSScotland (SHFN 02-01).
Sustainable - EV Charging Infrastructure (SHTN 02-02)
Scottish Health Technical Note 02-02: guidance for those engaged in the planning, delivery and management of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging solutions
National Facilities Monitoring Framework Manual (SHFN 01-01)
Scottish Health Facilities Note 01-01 - National Facilities Monitoring Framework Manual
Core elements - Sanitary spaces (HBN 00-02)
Core elements: Sanitary spaces.
Wayfinding - effective wayfinding and signing for healthcare facilities (HTM 65)
Effective wayfinding and signing systems guidance for healthcare facilities.
Security Services Standards for NHSScotland Security Leads (SHFN 03-02 ARCHIVED)
(ARCHIVED) Set of standards which are to be implemented by the responsible person for the management of Security in a healthcare setting.
Cardiac facilities (SHPN 28 and HBN 01-01 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) This Health Building Note provides guidance on minor cardiac procedures and cardiac operating theatre suites.
Fire safety - Alarm and detection systems (SHTM 82 ARCHIVED)
(Archived) Fire alarm and detection systems.
What is financial crime?
Security Services Standards for NHSScotland Security Leads (SHFN 03-02)
Set of standards which are to be implemented by the responsible person for the management of Security in a healthcare setting.