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Find information about Portering Services in NHSScotland
Information for oxygen users
Information for users who have oxygen delivered to their home.
Public Private Partnership
Contract management advice, guidance and training for health boards.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance
Apply for the Continuing Professional Development allowance.
Good Practice newsletter
Our medical monthly publication/newsletter, 'Good Practice', where we share nation-wide information and important updates with GP practices.
Key Stage Assurance Reviews (KSAR)
Find out about Key Stage Assurance Reviews (KSAR) and get access to KSAR workbooks.
GP annual certificate of pensionable profits
Self-employed GPs can use the GP Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profits forms.
Sample packaging, labelling and transport
If you're sending samples to our H&I lab, you'll need to ensure they are packaged, labelled and transported correctly.
Procurement fraud
Find out more about procurement fraud, how it works, how to recognise it and how to report it.
How to make a request
You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, including NSS.