Search results for "%u65fa%u8d22%u7b7e%u540d%u5145%u503c[Contact Telegram: taomamao].nas"
278 results found
About knowledge management
Find out how knowledge management can help with sharing research and guidance, managing stakeholders and improving the healthcare environment.
Medical Device Alerts and product recalls
Medical Device Alerts and recalls
Get help planning or upgrading facilities
How to get help with your decontamination facility project.
Report fraud
Confidentially report a fraud in NHSScotland.
Estates and Facilities Notices - EFA/2019/005
EFA/2019/005 - Issues with doorstops / door buffers
Estates and Facilities Notices - EFA/2019/003
EFA/2019/003 - ‘Anti-ligature’ type curtain rail systems: Risks from incorrect installation or modification
Estates and Facilities Notices - EFA/2019/002
EFA/2019/002 - Ingestion of Cleaning Chemicals
Apply for tender opportunities
Use PCS-Tender to apply for a national healthcare tender. It's a secure eTendering system funded by the Scottish government.
Safety Action Notice - SAN(SC)20/02
SAN(SC)20/02 - Ligature and ligature point risk assessment tools and policies.
Safety Action Notice - SAN(SC)19/03
SAN(SC)19/03 - Risk of death and severe harm from ingesting superabsorbent polymer gel granules.