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NSS Annual Feedback and Complaints Report 2023-2024

Published on 27 September 2024

This report summarises the service user feedback and complaints recorded by NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) from 01 April to 31 March 2024.



NSS has continued to work with the support of the Community Engagement work stream of Healthcare Improvement Scotland to review and update the methods that we use to seek and gather feedback. It is recognised that as a National Board delivering national services, inclusive of patient and donor services, the approaches taken may differ from those in a Territorial NHS Board and other National Boards in Scotland.

Throughout the year, we have used feedback, comments, and complaints information to improve our services. The three main insight sources are directorate and service surveys, compliments, and complaints data. The directorate and service surveys inform the NSS service excellence reporting to the Executive Management Team. We are also committed to following best practice approaches to service user engagement and the use of the Planning with People guidance and the NHS Model Complaints Handling Procedure (MCHP).