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FOI release

FOI – 2025-000017 Whistleblowing (HTML)

Published on 31 January 2025

Date received – 16/01/2025 | Date responded – 31/01/2025


  1. The number of whistleblowing concerns that were reported to the board at stage 1

Please provide the figure broken down by the last 6 calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)

Please indicate in the way you present the figures of how many of those concerns were resolved at stage 1 or were referred on to be looked at in more detail stage 2 or beyond.

  1. The number of whistleblowing concerns that were reported to the board at stage 2

Please provide the figure broken down by the last 6 calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)

Please indicate in the way you present the figures of how many of those concerns were resolved at stage 2 or were referred on to be looked at by being referred to the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer.

  1. The number of whistleblowing concerns that were referred to the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer.

Please provide the figure broken down by the last 6 calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)


It is important to note that the information below relates solely to NSS as NSS is not NHSScotland, and we do not hold information on behalf of the other Health Boards within NHSScotland.  NSS is a Special Board within NHSScotland, and we have no hospitals or GP practices under our control and do not provide clinical or patient services within our Health Board.  NSS are responsible for supplying essential services to the rest of the NHS in Scotland including legal services, procurement, and blood transfusion.

  • The National Whistleblowing Standards were introduced on 1 April 2021.  Prior to this date, NSS reported against concerns that were either upheld or not.
  • In 2019, NSS received one whistleblowing concern which was fully investigated. The concern was not upheld.
  • In 2020, NSS received no whistleblowing concerns.
  • In calendar year 2021, NSS received no whistleblowing concerns for the period 1 January to 31 March.  Following the launch of the standards on 1 April, NSS received four that were taken forward as whistleblowing concerns, one was investigated as a Stage 1, proceeding to Stage 2 and the remaining three concerns were investigated as Stage 2 from the outset due to their complexity.  One concern was referred to INWO for independent review.
  • In calendar year 2022, one Stage 1 concern was received.
  • In calendar year 2023, two Stage 2 concerns were received.  One Stage 2 concern was referred to INWO for independent review.
  • In line with reporting requirements, NSS reports against a number of Key Performance Indicators to INWO on a quarterly basis,  this is done by Financial Year rather than calendar year.  Furthermore, we are required to produce an annual report which is published on the NSS website (again this is done by financial year rather than calendar year.
  • Within the figures provided, we have also included unnamed/anonymous concerns.  Please note that anonymous/unnamed concerns cannot be investigated under the Standards, nor can they be considered by the INWO, NSS, has adopted good practice and follows the Whistleblowing Standard principles as far as is practicable in the investigation of anonymous/unnamed concerns.

In order to obtain Whistleblowing information in relation to the other Health Boards within NHSScotland we suggest that you contact each of them using the email addresses listed in the table below, as under the terms of FOISA we are unable to transfer this request on your behalf.

I trust you will find the information of assistance and if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of how we have dealt with your request, you can make representations to us asking us to review the handling of your request.

If you require any further information, please contact the Associate Director Governance and Board Services (Board Secretary) within 40 working days of the date of this correspondence.



NHS National Services Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB

If after a review you are still unhappy, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner, who can be contacted at Kinburn Castle, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS, or via their application form.

National Services Scotland (NSS) is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. You can view all FOI responses within our FOI Publications repository.