FOI – 2025-000003 Microplastics (HTML)
Date received – 06 January 2025 | Date responded – 29 January 2025
I am looking for the following information:
- A copy of any correspondence held relating to microplastics.
Clarification: By correspondence I mean emails or reports or any other form of communication that relate to concerns about microplastics in hospitals or impacting patients.
The time range for this would be the calendar year 2024.
You can search for this by either looking through staff inboxes, staff announcements or reports.
I refer to your freedom of information request that we received on 06 January 2025 requesting the following information.
I am looking for the following information:
1. A copy of any correspondence held relating to microplastics.
Clarification: By correspondence I mean emails or reports or any other form of communication that relate to concerns about microplastics in hospitals or impacting patients.
The time range for this would be the calendar year 2024.
You can search for this by either looking through staff inboxes, staff announcements or reports.
We have now completed the search of our records and can provide you with the following information:
Under Section 17(1) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, 2002 NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) does not hold the information you have requested. NSS does not hold any correspondence relating to microplastics for the calendar year 2024.
What we can provide you with is Appendix 1 - Application for funding outcome_Redacted, which provides a response to a funding request in relation to microplastics from 2023. You may wish to contact Edinburgh Napier University at for more information.
Some of the documentation being released includes personal data of third parties which has not been released into the public domain. Where this is the case, these have been redacted in line with exemption Section 38 ((1)(b)) of the Freedom of Information Scotland Act – Personal information.
I trust you will find the information of assistance and if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of how we have dealt with your request, you can make representations to us asking us to review the handling of your request.
If you require any further information, please contact the Associate Director Governance and Board Services (Board Secretary) within 40 working days of the date of this correspondence.
NHS National Services Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
If after a review you are still unhappy, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner, who can be contacted at Kinburn Castle, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS, or via their application form.
National Services Scotland (NSS) is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. You can view all FOI responses within our FOI Publications repository.