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Consultation policy stages and duration

Published on 19 July 2024

Policy Stages and Duration

To ensure transparency, we are proposing a formalised process in response to requests for sustainable policy position generation.

The process will have four stages:

  • Research (two to eight weeks)
  • Develpment (two to four weeks)
  • Consulatations phase (eight to 12 weeks)
  • Approvals (four to six weeks)

Timescales of each stage will vary based on complexity, issue maturity, resource availability and scope. End to end timeframe is expected to range from four months to seven and half months.

Stage One: Research

The inital development phase is developed using:

  • Informal contribution (internal)
  • Desktop research
  • Informal contribution (external)

Stage Two: Development (inital question and options)

  • Start
  • Develop question and options
  • Review question and options
  • Finalise question and options
  • End: Move to phase 3

Stage Three: Consultation Process

  • Issue question and options with survey questions
  • Analyse repsonses
  • Summarise and assess repsonses
  • Publish results to shared space
  • Hold a debate
  • Finalise position

Consultation processes are intended to be aligned with best practise as per Scottish Government consultations.

A minimum of two months is required to ensure that there is adequate time given to elicit a comprehensive and wide response. Smaller focus groups may also be considered to enhance speed and delivery.

Stage Four: Approvals and Implementation

Internal and national approvals for recommendations will be required.

Responses will be aimed to be published within 12 weeks of a consultation, in alignment with SG consultation standards.