NSS Annual Review 2022-2023
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) annual review will be held on 27 November and the public are invited to attend the session, online or in person.
Published on 24 November 2023

The annual review for NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) will be held on 27 November, with the public invited to attend the session from 1pm to 2pm, either online or at NHS National Services Scotland’s Jack Copland Centre.
While it is not possible to ask questions during the session, members of the public can submit questions in advance.
The review is an opportunity for a Government minister to meet staff, and representatives of patients, carers and communities, and to hear about the work and performance of NHS National Services Scotland over the past 12 months.
For the past few years, this review has been held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, it is returning to the in-person format and will be chaired by Maree Todd MSP.
NHS National Services Scotland Chair Keith Redpath said: “We're delighted to be able to welcome the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport to NHS National Services Scotland, and to be able to invite the public to join us either in person or virtually.
"This will be an opportunity for us to explain the progress we've made following the pandemic, and outline some of the challenges faced by NHS NSS as we plan our services for the future.
“Please send in your questions. The Minister will ask a selection of these at the public meeting and we will post answers to others online.”
Please send questions to: nss.feedback@nhs.scot with Annual Review in the subject line, by 20 November 2023.
To watch the livestream of the meeting click here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGQxOWJlN2QtNmQzZS00ZDBjLWI2OTEtNDRhY2Y4MjQyYjJl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2210efe0bd-a030-4bca-809c-b5e6745e499a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e4f83402-716b-4c1e-a1cc-d02488cb7034%22%7d