NHS National Services Scotland joins Procure4Health
NSS is now part of a new European Consortium: Procure4Health.
Published on 17 November 2022
From: Clinical Directorate

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) has joined forces with 33 partners from 15 countries to advance procurement innovation in Europe.
Procure4Health is an EU funded project which started in June 2022 and will create a network of health and social care procurers at local, regional and European levels.
NSS is classed as a founding member and will support the creation of the European Innovation Public Procurement Network and the design and implementation of twinning, knowledge exchange, action planning and dissemination activities.
The ambition of this network is to bring cutting-edge processes and technology closer to the public sector. Which in turn will bring the best value for money to the public purse where each year around 10% of GDP is spent on health and social care supplies and services.
NSS’s involvement will ensure that Scottish stakeholders, including NHS Scotland, can benefit directly from the sharing of knowledge and expertise in innovation procurement across Europe.
Members of the NSS Research, Development and Innovation and National Procurement teams attended the first conference in October which was hosted by Ministry of Health of Andalucía in Malaga, Spain.
It was a chance to meet and take part in the first stages of developing the network, its Terms of Reference and to identify the themes of the projects in which to collaborate across Europe. Activity on the workstreams will progress over the upcoming months to shape the network and start to share knowledge.
If you’d like to know more, please email the NSS Research, Development and Innovation Office: nss.rdioffice@nhs.scot or visit procure4health.eu.