Join us at the NHS Scotland Event 2022
The biggest health and social care conference in Scotland returns to an in-person format in Aberdeen.
Published on 20 June 2022

Come and say hello to us at this year's NHS Scotland Event- find us at Stand 30. We’ll be joined by our colleagues from the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, who can help to sign you up as a blood donor and tell you more about the process.
Colleagues from a number of our service areas will also be speaking at both Parallel and Spotlight sessions and eleven posters from our projects and programmes of work will be on display.
Sessions with presenters from NSS
Day 1- Tuesday 21 June
Parallel session at 11.45-1.00pm - Kelly Quinn, Innovation Service will be speaking on Introducing NHSScotland’s Accelerating National Innovation Adoption (ANIA) Pathway though an Innovation Deep-Dive with the ScotCap Programme. Here she and her peers will explain how they are working to accelerate the adoption of high impact innovations across Scotland. This is repeated on Day 2 at 2.00-3.15pm.
Parallel session at 11.45-1.00pm - Karyn Robertson, Senior Programme Manager with the National Services Division at the session Scotland’s Long COVID approach: A whole-system approach to integrated, high quality support for long-term condition management. At this session you can hear more about Scotland’s approach to this new and emerging condition. This is repeated on Day 2 at 2.00-3.15pm.
Parallel session at 2.00-3.15pm - Kenny Rees, Category Manager in National Procurement will be presenting at the session Improving Type 1 Diabetes care: It’s a team sport! Join us to hear about how the Scottish Diabetes Group and National Diabetes Managed Clinical Network is improving access to diabetes technology and addressing inequality of access. This is repeated on Day 2 at 11.45-1.00pm
Day 2- Wednesday 22 June
- Spotlight session 3 at 11.45-1.00pm - Katharine Ross, Health and Social Care Integration Advisor and David Proud, Associate Director for Digital and Security will be speaking. They will join colleagues to discuss Addressing health inequalities: An inclusive and integrated approach. The session will outline their project designed to reduce barriers to participation in national health screening programmes.
View our posters
We have eleven posters from NSS projects or programmes of work on display during the conference. Click on the poster name to view the digital version, or come to view them in person:
- The transformation of Radiology services across Scotland by Rachel Hoyland and Jillian Patte. Found at location VS-20.
- Prison Healthcare Workforce – Training Needs Analysis - A platform to drive improvements in recruitment and retention in prison healthcare nurses by Vaughan Statham. Found at location HP-18.
- Collaborating to Develop a Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan by Andrew Clark. Found at location PC-09.
- Addressing health inequalities by reforming screening engagement and collaborating across health and social care by David Proud. Found at location HP-02.
- World-Leading Pathways for Type-1 Diabetes Diagnosis by Karl Hope. Found at EF-48.
- Sponge on a string- Initial results from Scotland's Cytosponge programme by Siobhan Chien (NHS Forth Valley). Found at location IF-12.
- Implementation of The FAIR donor blood donor selection changes in Scotland by Lorna McLintock. Found at HP-11.
- A health economic analysis of the introduction of a cell collection system (Cytosponge®) as a viable alternative to Upper GI Endoscopy in the COVID recovery by Maggie Shaw. Found at location VS-01.
- Uniting National Networks for Cancer in Scotland by Nicola Waters. Found at location IF-14.
- Transparent Masks: How collaboration delivered a compliant product to NHS Scotland by Hayley Kane. Found at location RC-52.
- Practice makes perfect: Supporting primary care reform with new GP IT by Fiona Cowie. Found at location IF-08.