Community benefits gateway - connecting communities
A new digital gateway connecting NHSScotland’s suppliers with communities in Scotland has launched
Published on 30 September 2021

National Services Scotland, in collaboration with Public Health Scotland, have launched NHS Scotland’s Community Benefits Gateway, a new online portal connecting NHS Scotland suppliers with communities in Scotland.
Community benefits are tangible, positive outcomes which improve the lives of local people and enable communities to thrive. They help improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of local areas and assist in the reduction of health inequalities across Scotland.
The Community Benefits Gateway is a facilitation platform, enabling NHS Scotland’s procurement services and suppliers to further improve lives, and support healthier communities. We’ll work with willing NHS Scotland suppliers to match with Scottish third sector organisations who are looking for assistance and support.
Mary Morgan, Chief Executive for National Service Scotland said:
“The launch of the Community Benefits Gateway will bring investment across communities in Scotland. NHS Scotland works with thousands of suppliers and the Community Benefits Gateway provides an innovative portal, connecting our networks to local needs and further improving health outcomes across Scotland.
“The Community Benefits Gateway supports a culture of collaboration in our communities and enable Health Board procurement services and suppliers improve and support sustainable communities. By connecting with community needs, we can make a real, positive difference to people’s lives beyond our healthcare services.”
Angela Leitch, Chief Executive for Public Health Scotland said:
“The capacity of NHS Health Boards to improve health and reduce inequalities extends well beyond the provision of healthcare services. Health Boards employ people, purchase goods, and procure services, and all of these activities have the potential to improve outcomes in communities.
The launch of the Community Benefit Gateway is an important step forward in supporting Health Boards to realise these wider benefits for their populations. By matching purchasing needs with the assets available in communities, the Gateway will support local and national Health Boards to make a difference where it’s needed.” We invite third sector organisations in the local community to register with the Community Benefits Gateway.
Visit the Community Benefits Gateway to find out more.