Report an incident
Published on 26 February 2025
Submit a report
Report adverse incidents and near-misses involving medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic medical devices, estates, facilities, social care equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). Plus find information on what to do next, and how your report is dealt with.
If you work at a local authority or health board in Scotland, use our adverse incident reporting web form to submit a report. Please note you need to register for a log in before you can use this service.
I don't have a login / I'm having trouble using the reporting web form
Complete the PDF form below and email it to
Download the Adverse Incident and Near Miss Report form
Please save the PDF form to your local drive before completing it so that you don’t lose any data when sending it to IRIC.
Register as a user
If you wish to register to use this service, email with your:
- name
- job title
- local authority/health board
- email address
- phone number
I’m a member of the public
You can send details about an incident to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Please submit your report via the Yellow Card Scheme website.