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Learn more about IRIC

Published on 10 June 2024

Further reading

Report an incident to IRIC here.

Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. MHRA regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK

Annual Safety Action Notice reminding staff of the importance of adverse incident reporting. SAN2401, National adverse incident reporting and safety alert systems for medical devices, IVDs, estates, facilities, social care equipment and PPE, issued 08 Jan 2024.

Incidents & Alerts (IRIC), Health Facilities Scotland, NHS National Services Scotland.

Medical Devices area on Turas Learn (including e-learning modules).

Guidance on the management of medical devices and equipment within Scotland. SHTN 00-04 v2 Guidance on management of medical devices and equipment in Scotland's health and social care services, June 2021

Report to your local Health Board or Local Authority risk management system (e.g. Datix). Please contact your Incidents and Alerts Safety Officer (ISO) for more information.