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Setting up and managing your NHS secure connection

Published on 24 February 2025

Setting up and managing your NHS secure connection

Dental practices connect to the NHS network called Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN) by using an NHS device called a CAT20, which connects your practice PC network to SWAN using the practice internet. This enables dental and orthodontic practices to submit payment claims and request prior approval electronically as well as other eDental services.

Requesting a new CAT20 connection

Please get in touch to provide the details of your new dental practice, email us at or give us a call on 03450342458.

Changing an existing NHS connection

If you’re changing your eDental technical set up for any of the following reasons, then you are required to advise us so we can help maintain your eDental connection.

Changing practice management software (PMS)

We must be advised of the old and new PMS and the date you will go live. Please discuss the management of open treatment claims with your PMS supplier. We will send you the code of connection documentation to be completed and arrange for the EPOC to be sent to your new supplier. EPOC is the password your PMS requires to access the NHS network.

Changing location

Contact us to advise of the move details and depending on the situation we will offer the appropriate support and advice.

Changing Internet provider or replacing your internet router

As soon as you have replaced an internet router or plan to change internet provider you should ask your IT support to look at the guidance for managing eDental connections which refers to updating the CAT20 with the new default gateway IP details. You should also contact us with details of these changes, and we are also here to provide support if required.

If you require support to troubleshoot a problem with your SWAN connection

Download Managing your NHS SWAN connection to restore the connection.